Tuesday, 24 June 2014


I am almost resigned to the fact
That my shoes are happier than I
They sing and smile and laugh
With an eerie of rebellious fill
Waiting for me to grow rich
And throw them away

Ten years of service, they smile
Years of endurance, they laugh
Nursed my stinking toes, now old
And my soles have no soul no more
They died ages ago but live still
Yet they just smile and laugh

I am a bag pack of problems
But my shoes never seem to care
The cobblers stitched them shut
Not too long, to shield their smile
They swallowed dust on rainy days
On dry days, they licked dust

My shoes are happier than I
This fact, am almost resigned to
How they sing, smile and laugh
With an eerie of rebellious fill
I don’t know! I just look
And see the future getting better

                               By Sammy Nakitare

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