Friday, 19 September 2014


Crying baby

I look beyond the stretch of my eyes
There, I behold two tiny little babies
One fat and brown, the other pale and down
They cry and cry till their eyes run dry

The fat and brown cries with a voice so loud
He attracts the attention of all souls around
Clinging on his mother's rather expensive dress
Demanding for this and that and that and this
A bike to ride, a ball to bounce, a 'lolli' to lick
He cries and cries and dives to the ground
Till mama says "yes" and gets them indeed
Then he wipes the old tears to start a fresh
Since mama got him no toy to break
No fat to make him fart
No sugar to make him sick
So he promises never yet to stop yelling
Never until dear mama gets him all he needs

The pale and down cries too but with no voice
He is too hungry to make a sound
He clings onto her feeble mother's 'piece of rag'
Droplets of tears tumbling down his scaly cheeks
Dreams to get this and that and that and this
But resigned to the fact that he was born to die
He cries and cries till he can cry no more
Mama can do nothing, only but offer her breasts
That are blank and bare, they scare to stare
He wipes the old tears to start a fresh
Mama got him no book to read, no food to bite
No bed to rest his head, so he soaks in tears
Till there is no more left but a shred of hope to hold

I look beyond and see two tiny little crying babies
One fat and brown, the other pale and down
One full of life, one deep in strife
But, they both cry and cry till their eyes run dry

                                                          By Sammy Nakitare